Our professionals

Our professionals - Andersen in Switzerland
  • Federal Certificate of Human Resources Specialist, Personnel Management
  • Federal Certificate of Specialist in Finance and Accounting
  • Languages: French, Spanish, English, Italian
  • Albo Ticinese Trustees
  • ACF Federal Accounting Association
  • HR Ticino

Donatella Cicognani

Managing Partner
Lugano, Zurich, Geneva, Basilea

Donatella deals with the complex issues of Human Resources and manages the administration field. Among other things, she deals with the activities of the expatriate staff of multinational groups with branches in Switzerland.

She is an expert in residence permit procedures and oversees coordination with the Swiss social system which ensures compliance with bilateral agreements.

Donatella manages employment contracts and assists clients in the case of disputes due to dismissal in compliance with Swiss legislation.

Internationally, she offers advice on the posting of personnel from and abroad, coordinating the different legislation.

She also administers the human resources services of various SMEs, which choose the outsourced management of the department.

Donatella also oversees the process for EU and non-EU globalists (foreigners who reside in Switzerland with flat-rate taxation) and any other any foreign national who chooses to live in the country.

Furthermore, Donatella’s skills include personnel selection. She supports companies in the recruitment of administrative and accounting staff, ranging from the preparation of job descriptions to recruiting activities. These recruiting activities include the assessment of hard and soft skills, which ensure impartial selection and evaluation. Her expertise in Business Psychology helps this process.

Donatella also assists entrepreneurs and CFOs of SMEs and supports the administrative staff of companies in accounting.

She has also lectured on the topics of foreign staff at specialized institutes.

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