Our professionals

Our professionals - Andersen in Switzerland
  • University of Fribourg, Lic.rer.pol.
  • SUPSI, Lugano, MAS in Tax Law
  • Languages: Italian, English, French

Roberto Cavadini

Managing Partner
Lugano, Zurich, Geneva, Basilea

As Managing Partner and Head of Corporate andCompliance at Andersen in Switzerland, Roberto’s primary responsibility andexpertise is in the management, administration, and compliance of Swiss andinternational companies of all sizes. 

Furthermore, his consultancy services support thecoordination and organization of business restructuring, inheritance planning(private and corporate) and internal compliance. He has significantinternational experience in corporate reorganization, migration of companies toand from Switzerland.

As an international transactions expert, Robertooffers his clients a wide range of services including: advice on the choice oftax-efficient legal structures for foreign companies (corporations,partnerships, branches, representative offices); tax analysis of businessfinancing methods, and transfer of trademarks, patents or know-how; taxation offoreign businesses operating in Switzerland (permanent establishments, incomefrom real estate, capital gains on sale of shares); and tax coordination forinternational companies.

Applying in-depth understanding of the tax and legalimplications of the distribution of wealth internationally, he advisescompanies, private clients and families on planning succession for businesses,with regard to property and other assets, and through sale or managementbuy-out; succession planning within the family (e.g. testaments, marital andinheritance contracts); and tax and asset protection advice for beneficiaries.

Roberto also deals with estate settlement and cansupport inheritors in a dispute over inheritance.

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