Our professionals

Our professionals - Andersen in Switzerland
  • Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (Economy)
  • Certified Tax Expert (Swiss Tax Academy)
  • Languages: Italian, German, English, French, Spanish
  • ExpertSuisse (Swiss specialist association for accounting, auditing, business consultancy and tax consultancy).

Olivier Schmid

Lugano, Zurich, Geneva, Basilea

Olivier is an economist and certified Swiss tax expert, who earned his experience working for Big4 companies and local advisory companies for more than 20 years.

He assists Private Clients on yearly tax returns and tax optimization in particular on inheritance and pension (pre-pension) planning. Application of international double tax treaties (DTT) to avoid double taxation, tax credit claims and real estate investment taxation are part of his main activities.
He also achieved experience on tax litigation, voluntary disclosures and special tax procedures. He supports Private Clients on their choice and procedure in case of relocation, on their period of expatriation (abroad / in Switzerland) and on employees’ participation plans.

Corporate taxation is also an important part of his consulting activity. The tax advice includes from ordinarily tax review to international transfer of legal seat, considering: set-up, dividends distribution policy, restructuring, application of DTT, transfer pricing, R&D tax incentives, Swiss patent box as well as indirect taxes (withholding tax, tax at source and VAT).

Furthermore, Olivier has experience on Swiss taxation at local economic institutions (Chamber of Commerce) and has presented updates on Swiss tax law at professional seminars for several.

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