News - Andersen in Switzerland

December 10, 2021

Andersen M&A in Europe

Regardless of the reason that stands behind the decision to unite with another company, either by merging and forming a new company, or by fully taking it over, the proper planning and implementation of the entire M&A process is vital, and it can only be secured with specialized advice.

Our extensively skilled team of tax and legal advisors are ready to assist you in the initial steps of the process and provide continuous support throughout and once the process has been finalized.

Andersen's outstanding professionals have extensive experience covering all areas of tax and legal issues related to business acquisitions ensuring that deals are undertaken as efficiently as possible.

Through our interdisciplinary team, our M&A team works together with commercial, tax, employment, regulatory and finance, competition, IP, and dispute resolution specialists to strategically address all tax, legal and regulatory implications of a transaction to minimize business risk. Each and every one of the professionals that are a part of Andersen Global share our core values ensuring the delivery of best-in-class service in a seamless and consistent manner worldwide.

Our European M&A professionals are highly experienced in providing sophisticated advice of the highest quality on all types of deals.

Andersen European M&A team, through the Member and Collaborating Firms of Andersen Global, extends across 33 countries, with 59 offices across the continent. With over 100 M&A Partners working as a fully integrated team we can help with cross-border and domestic M&A.

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